Example Oral Presentation Rubric

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Performance Dimension Exceeds Standards
A+ A  A-
Meets Standards
B+ B
Fails to Meet Standards
B- C  D
Fully engages audience with well-constructed content that meets assigned intent. Completely addressed the actual issue assigned.
Engages audience with highly compelling, accurate, well-constructed content within prescribed time constraints. Is fully aware of the main issues/problems of the assignment.
Engages audience with accurate and well-constructed content. Student generally follows prescribed time constraints. Demonstrates awareness of central issues.
Key issues/problems were addressed.
Content is inaccurate and is not well-constructed. Key issue/problems were not adequately presented. Student may fail to acknowledge time constraints.
CLARITY and VOCALS Is an exemplary public speaker who is always understood with no verbal discontinuity. Uses very effective tone, speed, inflection, and volume (TSIV).

Excels at communicating using the spoken word.
Speaker is understanding with no verbal discontinuity. Uses tone, speed, inflection, and volume effectively. Spoken language is unclear and not easily understood; Tone, speed, inflection, and volume is ineffective.
EYE CONTACT Excels at using eye-contact to convey emotion and to elicit a response.
Eye-contact techniques are consistent with mode of delivery (in person, camera, recording)
Gages audience reactions and adjusts accordingly.
Eye-contact or camera skill could use improvement.
Eye-contact techniques are generally consistent with mode of delivery (in person, camera, recording).
Somewhat gages audience reactions and adjusts accordingly.
Makes little or no eye-contact with audience, and/or distracts from delivery.
COMFORT Appears completely self-assured and at ease with the audience (and/or the mode of delivery). Appears reasonably comfortable with the audience (and/or the mode of delivery). Uncomfortable with the audience/ awkward delivery.
GESTURES/ Filler words/ background Fully integrates gestures with speech.

Filler words do not distract from message background is professional.
Gestures effectively.

Limited use of filler words.
Uses distracting gestures (or no gestures at all).
Filler words distract from message.
Background is not professional.

"F" is awarded for academic misconduct and/or plagiarism.