See below for examples of citations for unpublished sources:
36 Dylan V. Shope, "Peace Forces," briefing slides with scripted commentary, Carlisle Barracks, PA, US Army War College, July 23, 2001.
37 Robert F. Parkison, e-mail message to author, May 2, 2002
Indicate the type of medium used to communicate the message. Electronic mail, on-line chats, Facebook, and other electronic communications are generally not considered academic or professional sources. Use sparingly and only when essential.
38 Teresa M. Takai, "Adoption of the National Information Exchange Model within the Department of Defense" (official memorandum, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 2013), 28%20Adoption%20of%20the%20NIEM%20within%20the%20DoD.pdf.
If person interviewed is a member of the Armed Forces, show rank and branch of service. List military rank in standard abbreviated form appropriate to the specific service.
39 Governor Kirk Fordice of Mississippi, interview by author, Jackson, MS, July 23, 1996.
Telephone or Electronic Source.
40 John Abizaid, US Army, Commander, US Central Command, telephone interview by author, March 19, 2005.
Indicate whether the interview was via telephone (as above) or via another medium.
41 Interview with confidential source, February 17, 2009.
Students should explain the absence of a source's identity briefly in the footnote. One should use unattributed interview data very sparingly and only when complete confidentiality is absolutely essential. A source must grant the author permission to quote even when the author honors confidentiality.
3 Abigail Stonerock, "Developing Executive Communication Skills" (PowerPoint presentation, U.S. Army War College, Applied Communication & Learning Lab, Carlisle Barracks, PA, July 13, 2021).
42 Douglas G. Vincent, "US Strategy in the Afghanistan Draw Down" (public speech, University of Mount Union, Alliance, OH, March 25, 2013).
1 Stephen J. Gerras, "The Big Five Personality Traits: A Primer for Senior Leaders" (Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College, December, 2014), 3.
43 Sam Mosely, "Foreign Policy" (lecture, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, May 19, 1997), cited with permission of Mr. Mosely.
Statements regarding special permission are mandatory. The non-attribution policy requires specific written approval from a speaker whenever citing potentially identifying information.
34 Bertram B. Armstrong, "The Army Image" (Strategy Research Project, Carlisle Barracks, PA, US Army War College, April 10, 2000), 15.
SRPs, FSRPs, and PRPs may be available through the USAWC database, via online access, or DTIC. Other student papers, such as unpublished course papers, are generally not considered appropriate sources for inclusion in professional and academic documents.