Online Sources and Electronic Media

See below for example citations for online sources and electronic media:

Blog Entry

17 Thomas E. Ricks, "FDR as a Strategic Analyst of the Balkans,"The Best Defense: Tom Ricks’s Daily Take on National Security, blog, February 5, 2013,

Students should include author name; title of post; blog title or description whether the item is an entry (posted by the author of the site) or a comment (posted by someone else); date of posting; and URL. Cite author name as given (even if it is incomplete or is a pseudonym).

Media Files


14 Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise, “PBS’s National Memorial Day Concert,” May 4, 2007, YouTube, video file,

Institutional Author

15 US Army War College, “Army War College History,” December 7, 2010, US Army War College YouTube Channel, video file,

No Author Given

16 “Asymmetric Warfare: People’s Tactics and Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’,” December 1, 2008, YouTube, video file,

17 Center for Academic Success and Engagement (CSAE), “Ten Traps of Studying” (McLennan, Texas: Baylor University, [date unknown]), 1-2.

Students will use these forms for all web-based media files. They should include the web location and type of media they accessed (audio, video, live video stream, etc.). One may include information about media file types (.wmp, .mp3, .mp4, etc.) if it is particularly relevant to the citation information.

Twitter Post

22 Sarah Palin (@SarahPalin), “I can see Russia from my house,” Twitter, August 25, 2011, 10:23 p.m.,

For Twitter post citations, one should include the writer and/or the screen name of the author, the post as the title, the format, the time of the post, and the URL of the post.

Website—Home Page

18 The Official Home Page of the United States Army, accessed June 19, 2005,

Website—Linked from Home Page

19 Joe Smith, “Soldier Awarded Purple Heart,” Soldier Stories, United States Army Home Page, May 23, 2005,

Caution: Internet documents are often revised, altered, or moved. Students should include the last date they accessed the document, or the last date of modification, but not both.

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