Paper Templates

Here are examples of the different types of papers USAWC students will write. Click a button to view an example of that paper type. Templates are available from each example page.

Position Paper Template

Advocate for a particular stance. Lay out arguments, evidence, and recommendations to a decision-maker. Similar to an argumentative essay, yet differs in format and communicative style. Present information and analysis in chunks for an audience with limited time and cognitive bandwidth.

Information Paper Template

Convey information on a particular issue, do not ask for a decision or guidance. Can explain a developing issue, respond to an RFI, or provide background information on an issue for a senior leader reference binder. Go beyond simple facts, employ the right detail level for a senior leader.

Research Paper Guide

Communicate results of research: systematic inquiry to create/use knowledge creatively, to generate new concepts, methodologies, and understandings.

Policy Paper Template

Analyze policy options to support decision-making/policy deliberations. Clear recommendation based in support and analysis. Reflect organization's coordinated assessment and recommendation. Clarity and logic facilitates readability for a busy decision-maker.