Faculty & Staff

DDE Faculty and Staff.

DDE Office of the Chair
ChairCOL Heather Smigowski
Academic Executive OfficerMr. Sylvester H. Brown
Program and Management AnalystVacant
Education TechnicianMs. Cathy M. Zimmerman
Instructional SpecialistMr. David M. Birdwell
First Year Studies
Director & Faculty InstructorCOL Faith Chamberlain
Director, Orientation ProgramCOL Robert Disney
Director, Strategic LeadershipCOL Dan Grassetti
Director, National Security Policy and StrategyDr. Joel R. Hillison
Director, War and Military StrategyDr. Christine Cook
Director, Regional Issues and InterestsCOL Jenny Alessio
Director, First Resident CourseCOL Heidi Jones
Education TechnicianMr. Amos S. Myers
Education TechnicianMr. Mike R. Semrau
Faculty InstructorMr. Fred C. Bolton (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Karl D. Bopp (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Mark J. Eshelman (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Joel T. Hicks (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Thomas C. Linn (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorDr. Silas G. Martinez (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Michael J. McMahon (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorCol Daniel McGee
Faculty InstructorDr. Jeffrey McManus
Faculty InstructorMr. Larry D. Miller (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Jeffrey C. Predmore (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMs. Janet Riley (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMs. Christine A. Stark (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Dean C. Stodter (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Terry M. Wallace (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Robert E. Waring (Ctr)
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Byron Fong
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Robert Rideout
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Bryan Riley
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Peter Rocha
IMA Faculty InstructorLTC Phillip Robinson
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Bob Sacca
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL John Shulli
Second Year Studies
DirectorCOL James A. Frick
Director, Contemporary Security IssuesMr. Robert S. Hume
Director, DOD Organization and ProcessesCDR Will Harting
Director, Theater Strategy & Campaigning ICOL Carolyn Erickson
Director, Theater Strategy & Campaigning IICOL Rob McAllister
Director, Second Resident CourseLTC Matthew Rasmussen
Director, Electives and Special ProgramsLt Col Kelly R. Ihme
Education TechnicianMr. Albert R. Cobb, Jr.
Education TechnicianMs. Kelli S. Wolfe
Faculty InstructorMr. Christian Cook
Faculty InstructorCOL Frank Frazier
Faculty InstructorMr. Erik Greve (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorCOL Kelly Lelito
Faculty InstructorMr. M. Dan O'Rourke (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Craig J. Price (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. J. David Price (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. John T. Russell (Ctr)
Faculty InstructorMr. Tarn D. Warren (Ctr)
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Jeffrey T. Avolio
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Kacey C. Brashear
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Monica M. Foley
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Darren Spaulding
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Kate Suarez
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Walter D. Venneman
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Brian F. Waltman
JLASS Faculty InstructorCOL Jeffrey Hartsell
JLASS Faculty InstructorCOL David Paravecchia
Certificate and Professional Education Division
Academic Program ManagerDr. Christopher W. Fowler
Faculty InstructorDr. Anna C. Cairney
Faculty InstructorMr. James V. Di Crocco
Faculty InstructorDr. Jerome T. Sibayan
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Eric C. Kotouc
IMA Faculty InstructorCOL Heath J. Streck
Reserve Component
United States Army Reserve Component AdvisorCOL Thomas H. Manion
United States Army National Guard Component AdvisorCOL Orlando M. Ortega
Reserve Component Integration OfficerLTC Douglass S. Lowery

A casual photo of DDE Faculty and Staff.

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